Back Pain Treatment in Dubai
Back pain is predominantly a problem of the lumbar spine. It stands as one of the prevailing medical issues in contemporary society and ranks among the most frequent conditions addressed by our specialists. It’s estimated that up to 84 per cent of adults encounter back pain at some point in their lives, with incidents occurring across all age groups, peaking typically between 40 and 50 years old.
Persistent back pain can hinder your day-to-day activities significantly and slow down your overall lifestyle. Dr. Martin Liner is a renowned spine doctor rendering appropriate back pain treatment in Dubai and has helped many individuals recover from the condition.

What can go wrong with the Lumbar Spine to cause back pain?
Back pain originating from the lumbar spine can stem from various issues. Common culprits include:
- Muscle Strain: Overuse, improper lifting, or sudden movements can strain the muscles of the lower back, leading to pain and discomfort.
- Muscle Spasm: Maintaining the wrong position or cooled muscle can lead to painful muscle contraction.
- Ligament Sprain: Similar to muscle strain, sudden movements or improper lifting can cause sprains in the ligaments supporting the lumbar spine, resulting in pain and inflammation.
- Irritation of the spinal (facet) and/or sacroiliac joints.
- Herniated Disc: The gel-like material within a spinal disc may bulge or rupture, pressing on nearby nerves and causing pain, numbness, or weakness in the lower back and legs.
- Degenerative Disc Disease: With age, the intervertebral discs lose hydration and elasticity, leading to disc degeneration, which can result in pain due to reduced cushioning between the vertebrae.
- Spinal Stenosis: This condition leads to the narrowing of the spinal canal, mostly because of arthritis, which can then compress the spinal cord and nerves, causing pain, numbness, or weakness in the lower back and legs.
- Spondylolisthesis: When a vertebra slips out of place and onto the vertebra below it, it can compress nearby nerves and cause lower back pain, as well as pain or weakness in the legs.
- Fractures: Fractures in the vertebrae, often due to trauma or osteoporosis, can lead to acute or chronic back pain.
- Infections: Sometimes, even infections may occur, sometimes accompanied by fever.
- Tumors: In rare cases, tumors in the lumbar spine can cause back pain, usually accompanied by other symptoms such as weight loss, or neurological deficits.
These are just a few examples of what can go wrong with the lumbar spine to cause back pain. Our back pain doctor in Dubai makes sure to conduct tailored treatment approaches for every condition.
You must consult our back pain doctor in Dubai in case you encounter additional critical symptoms – cauda equina compression, characterized by leg numbness, bladder or bowel dysfunction, and impotence. This condition may also necessitate urgent surgical intervention.
Lower Back Pain Treatment in Dubai
The lumbar region bears the weight of the upper body and facilitates daily movements like bending and twisting. Muscles in this area are tasked with flexing and rotating the hips during walking and providing support to the spinal column. Nerves in the lumbar region convey sensation and control the muscles in the pelvis, legs, and feet.
Acute low back pain typically arises from injury to the muscles, ligaments, joints, or discs. In response to injury, the body initiates an inflammatory healing process. Despite its seemingly minor nature, inflammation can induce intense pain.
Diagnosis and Back Pain Treatment in Dubai
The diagnostic approach hinges on a thorough assessment of the patient’s complete medical history and physical examinations to ascertain if any serious underlying conditions could be contributing to the pain. Only after conducting comprehensive back examinations and neurological tests can healthcare providers determine the cause of back pain and prescribe appropriate back pain treatment in Dubai.
Various tests may be conducted to pinpoint the exact cause, including:
- Consultation
- Physical examination
- Neurological examination
- Electromyography (EMG): This assesses the electrical activity in the muscles, aiding in identifying nerve damage.
- Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV): This diagnostic test measures the speed of electrical impulses travelling through the body’s nerves.
- X-rays: These are used to detect dislocations, fractures, or bone degeneration.
- MRI: This scan provides a detailed view of the spine, detecting even minor abnormalities, especially of soft tissues such as discs, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves.
- CT scan: Offering a comprehensive 3-D image of the bones, it aids in diagnosing back pain by providing detailed bone images.

Treatment and Prevention
Approximately 90% of acute back pain cases fully recover within days or weeks, while patients with subacute or chronic back pain (lasting over 3 months) still have a favorable prognosis, albeit not as positive as acute cases. Most of the acute back pain resolves even without any specific treatment with some short resting, mild physical activity and application of warmth. Severe back pain may also require some medication, physiotherapy and spinal injection treatment, as more detailedly mentioned in chapter “Pain management stages”. If some specific causes are identified, these would be treated specifically according to the cause.
Healthy lifestyle with quality nutrition and enough physical activity every day, you can prevent occurrence or recurrence of the back pain. Avoid the same body position for a long time and wrong lifting techniques.
When to visit our spine surgeon in Dubai?
When considering why to visit Dr. Martin Liner – Spine Surgeon in Dubai, for your back pain, it’s crucial to acknowledge that while back pain is often temporary and resolves within a short period, there are circumstances where seeking medical attention becomes imperative:
- If your pain escalates progressively.
- If the pain persists for more than a week or two.
- Inability to perform routine tasks due to pain.
- Experiencing severe pain that interferes with daily activities.
- Concurrent health issues such as fever or challenges with penile erection.
In these situations, seeking the expertise of Dr. Martin Liner ensures comprehensive evaluation and tailored treatment to address your specific needs and provide effective relief from back pain.
FAQs regarding back Pain Treatment
Yes, walking can be beneficial for lower back pain as it is a low-impact exercise that helps improve flexibility and strength in the back muscles. Regular walking promotes circulation, aiding in the healing process and reducing stiffness. Additionally, walking releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers, and helps improve posture, further alleviating pressure on the lower back.
You should consider your lower back pain serious if it is intense and unrelenting, radiates down one or both legs, or is accompanied by numbness or weakness. Additionally, seek medical attention if the pain is associated with other symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, fever, or loss of bladder or bowel control. Persistent pain lasting more than a few weeks, especially if it disrupts daily activities or sleep, also warrants a doctor’s evaluation to rule out underlying conditions.
You should see a doctor if your back pain is severe, persistent for more than a few weeks, radiates down your legs, causes numbness or weakness, or is accompanied by other symptoms like weight loss, fever, or loss of bladder or bowel control.
Maintain good posture, use an ergonomic chair, take regular breaks to stand and stretch, keep your computer screen at eye level, and use a footrest if needed. Ensure your keyboard and mouse are positioned comfortably to avoid reaching or straining.
Yes, back pain can sometimes indicate a more serious condition, such as a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, kidney infection, or even certain cancers. It’s important to consult a spine doctor if you have severe, persistent, or unusual back pain accompanied by other concerning symptoms.